The degree offers research training integrated with and embedded in industry. Industry perspectives are incorporated into the curriculum and research project design through collaboration with industry partners and peak industry bodies which represent the broader discipline of Chemistry.


The Master of Industrial Research (Chemistry) provides an alternative graduate research program for students interested in pursuing an industry-based career as opposed to the traditional Graduate Research pathway which provides a clearer trajectory towards academia. Students will gain industry-relevant research experience and develop professional skills including entrepreneurship, IP law, and chemical regulations frameworks. Graduates will be equipped with a strong theoretical understanding of relevant chemistry disciplines from targeted coursework, which will be taught through traditional methods of imparting knowledge from academics to students, but enabled through alternative teaching media including online delivery, short intensive modular subjects and traditional lecture style delivery where this is the most appropriate method for knowledge transfer.

Masters of Industrial Research degrees at the University of Melbourne seek to develop graduates who have a capacity for defining and managing an industry focused research project characterised by originality, independence and industrial relevance. Their training equips them for a career in industry or more sustained and original work at the doctoral level, or for applied research positions in a wide variety of contexts.