Annual Reports

Launch event for the Training Centre.Prof Stenzel, Prof Holmes, Prof Parry, Sen. Paterson, Dr Polyzos, Prof Thomas and Prof Owczarek (L-R)

Launch event for the Training Centre.

Prof Stenzel, Prof Holmes, Prof Parry, Sen. Paterson, Dr Polyzos, Prof Thomas and Prof Owczarek (L-R)


The ARC Training Centre for the Chemical Industries commenced on July 2018. The first Annual Report to the major funder, the Australian Research Council (ARC), in early 2019, describing many important foundational activities, including the design, development and approval of the new Master of Industrial Research at both the University of Melbourne and the University of New South Wales.

Dr Helen Ryan (PPG) and Mena Hibberd (PPG) with Master of Industrial Research candidate, Evelyn Huang (right), in front of PPG Industries in Clayton

Dr Helen Ryan (PPG) and Mena Hibberd (PPG) with Master of Industrial Research candidate, Evelyn Huang (right), in front of PPG Industries in Clayton


Our first cohort of Master of Industrial Research candidates commenced in 2019, we secured new, valued industry partners, and hired three post-doctoral fellows. Work on the Social Network Analysis stream of our research commenced in earnest at Swinburne University. We also convened the first two meetings of our Industry Advisory Board.


End of year get-together in the Melbourne summer.


Many of our industry partners were classed as essential during pandemic restrictions and shutdowns, so fortunately, many of our Master of Industrial Research (MIR) candidates could continue conducting their R&D placements. Our planned events were impacted, and even when we could get together, it rained. But we persevered! We had 16 MIR candidates placed across 11 industry partners and 4 post-doctoral fellows.